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Being a Solo Business Owner - Finding a Tribe

I won't lie, I love running my own business. What's not to love about working from home, setting your own schedule, skiing in the middle of the day or taking vacations without having to ask for permission? On the flip side, there are days when the 'to do' list is overwhelming and the only way to get it all done is to get up early or stay up late. There are days when I would love to ask a co-worker for advice or brainstorm together. Running your own business can very lonely and sometimes it can be hard to get motivated. It is very easy to get overwhelmed and then panic mode sets in or even worse, the inability to get anything done.

Thankfully a couple of unexpected turns have made running my business a lot easier.

Connecting with a Tribe in Person

I have found a couple of key women to be part of the SoulSpark team. We meet twice a month to discuss wedding trends, client questions and issues, business ideas and just generally check-in to see how each other is doing. While we don't work side by side or see each other daily, it's nice to know they are only a phone call away, In the new year, I hope to also meet monthly with other female entrepreneurs in our area to have tea and discuss all things business. Connection is so important and as human beings we thrive on it. Working from home can be lonely at times, but it's nice to know I have a tribe to lean on and reach out whenever I need to. It can be hard to ask for help but I have learnt that being a good business woman is all about figuring out my strengths and then asking for help in the areas where I need it. I can't do everything on my own (even though I like to think I can!).


I recently found my way to podcasts and my world has dramatically changed - both personally and professionally. I have become addicted to Oprah's Super Soul Sunday and whenever I head out on a mid afternoon walk, I listen to an episode and I return feeling energized and refreshed. I am ready to face the rest of my day.

Professionally, my business skills have grown and improved just by listening to the podcast Goal Digger by Jenna Kutcher. Jenna is a wedding photographer, self made millionaire, online marketing guru and female entrepreneur. Her podcasts are full of great information as well as being chatty, easy to listen to, uplifting and positive. I always feel like I can conquer the world after listening to her podcasts. I actually don't feel so alone after listening to Jenna - I feel connected to Jenna and to everyone else who is listening to her podcasts. It makes me realize that I am not alone and that I am going through the same business challenges as others. For me at least and where I am in my business, the podcast is insightful and helpful. I think podcasts are perhaps one of the best resources available and one of the best uses of social media. I can't believe it has taken me this long to find them!

Thanks for listening...I"m off to listen to another podcast and conquer the world!

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