Some of my Favorite Photos of 2018 (Part 1)
I love when fall rolls around and I start to receive wedding albums in my inbox. With a glass of wine in hand, I am glued to my screen and often spend hours in tears reliving the past summer. It's amazing to see the day from a photographer's point of view. I see things that I missed or didn't the expression on the the bride's face during her father's speech or the gorgeous sunset or the tears and smiles during the formal dances.
Here are some of my favorites images from this past summer..full disclosure I haven't gotten around to enjoying albums from this fall so there will a second blog coming soon!
Kelly King and Whit Adams
Flying Diamond
Photos by Andy Barnhart
I love this photos of Whit and his mother during their mother/son dance. They could dance! Look at her hair!

Kelly and her father having a sweet moment on the dance floor. I love the lights in the background.

A moody black and white photo overlooking the lake at Flying Diamond. I love everything about this photo.

What's not to love about this photo?

Sarah Schmoke and Nickolas Canevari
Midnight Ranch
Photos by Cali Frankovic
Sarah surrounded by all her girls while getting ready at Midnight Ranch.

I love mirror shots..and this one is gorgeous. The combination of the antique mirror, the black and white tone and Sarah's expression is priceless.

That! (Thank you Hop Rabbit Flowers!)

Cali took Sarah and Nick offsite to her secret aspen forest...the light was incredible and it was well worth the trip! Wow!

The day wouldn't be complete without a sunset canoe ride!

Rebecca Timmerman and Greg Brill
Holy Name Catholic Church & Orton Ranch
Photos by Seedhouse Photography
I love aerial shots at Holy Name!

This car series is incredible...Kelly and Hilary snapped sunset photos with Rebecca and Greg on-site at Orton Ranch. Thanks Janie for the car!

I don't usually post a lot of kissing shots but I couldn't resist with these ones...

Victoria Almagno and Stefan Kalbli
Heritage Barn & Mambos
Photos by Preston Utley
Wow I love everything about this photo....the perspective, the clouds, the black and white tone, the barn....

I love the urban style of these photos shot at the reception at Mambos.